9 Photo Stories That Will Challenge Your View Of The World

The Olympics are coming to a close, but that doesn’t mean we can’t still have some fun. We looked at some of the faces that figure skaters make on the ice, and Nic Antaya photographed a snowmobile race with better hats than the Kentucky Derby. Cielito Vivas photographed the Chocolate Ballerina Company’s historic all-Black cast of The Nutcracker in Philadelphia, and The Luupe collected photographer’s visions of love on Valentine’s Day. NPR looked at Tiffany J. Sutton’s gorgeous and grant-winning photographs of the Black women in her life, and Time looked at Arlene Gottfried’s tender documentation of one man’s struggle with mental illness over two decades.

We didn’t pick sides at the Super Bowl last weekend, so we looked back at the last time the Cincinnati Bengals were in the game (Ronald Reagan was president) and why it’s an amazing thing to have a Super Bowl in Los Angeles. We also looked at what the Ottawa “Freedom Convoy” has been like as Canadians protesting vaccine mandates enter their third week of occupying Canada’s capital.

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